How TaxCloud Goes to Bat for Your Business
You’re looking for sales tax software that takes the pain out of calculating, collecting, and paying sales tax. But, if you operate an ecommerce business that sells to customers across multiple states, you need much more than that. You need a support system to ensure you’re collecting the right amount of tax and that sales tax rules don’t burden your business too much.
TaxCloud gets it. We’re a sales tax compliance solution for growing online businesses. We want to help you collect and pay sales tax, sure. But we do more than that. We stand up for the little guy and work to make sure states don’t introduce laws or regulations that hurt your business.
Dave Steines, our Vice President of Government Affairs, breaks down how we go to bat for small businesses.
We Work With States on Your Behalf
In a world of bureaucratic red tape, it helps to have an in. Consider TaxCloud your business’s “in.” We have direct contacts with Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) and state personnel, which helps us help you resolve any issues accurately and quickly. We work with states to address outstanding concerns, such as missing or amended item returns, correct tax treatment of products, and audit assistance.
As a Certified Service Provider (CSP) with the SST program, we can manage state tax registration and renewals, exemption certificates, and sales tax filing for businesses that operate in an SST member state.
Our TaxGeeks are also actively advocating for online businesses. We participate in workgroups and committees with the SST to keep member states from changing the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (SSUTA) in a way that negatively affects our merchants.
We get that sales tax can be overly complicated, and the rules can be all over the place. That’s why we’re working hard to push states to simplify things, to ease up the burden on you.
We’re Looking Out for Your Best Business Interests
Our TaxGeeks work hard behind the scenes to protect the interests of the online retailers who use our sales tax software. We work directly with states to ensure that Taxability Information Codes (TICS) are correct and accurate. Merchants rely on TICs to limit their sales tax liabilities.
South Dakota vs. Wayfair has had a massive impact on remote sellers, who now may have to collect sales tax in states where they don’t have a physical presence. We participated in a Wayfair Implementation Update Panel with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). We advocated for improving many areas where businesses struggle to comply. We also work with SST to reach out to non-member states, getting those states to pass provisions to reduce sales tax burdens and simplify the collection process.
We Show You the Money
What do we have to show for our hard work? A lot!
Following the Wayfair panel, where we showed that the 200-transaction threshold burdened small businesses, several states listened. Those states are stating to drop the transaction threshold from economic nexus requirements. Louisiana is a recent example of a state that dropped the transaction threshold.
TICs are meant to make it easier for merchants to tax or exempt products, but TICs can change frequently. Nebraska recently certified TaxCloud’s TICs, so you can rest easy that you’re correctly taxing sales to customers in that state. The change also provides liability relief to our merchants and TaxCloud in future audits.
Thanks to our efforts, several non-SST member states have taken steps to simplify sales tax filing. Pennsylvania has a CSP program and Connecticut, Illinois, and Missouri passed laws that allow a CSP to assist remote sellers.
You’ve got a growing online business to worry about. You don’t need to worry about sales tax, too. TaxCloud has you covered and is working hard to make sales tax regulations work for you. Get started with our software today.
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