Aug 27, 2024 • 7 minute read
Sales Tax Due Dates 2024 for eCommerce
Worried about missing your sales tax due dates? We’ve got you covered with a breakdown of 2024’s deadlines and a secret to help you keep track.

The Secret to Remembering Sales Tax Filing Due Dates

Do you struggle to keep track of sales tax filing due dates?

You’re not alone. Many ecommerce retailers feel overwhelmed trying to keep track of their filing dates for multiple states – especially since some sales tax due dates move around from one month to the next if the state’s typical sales tax due date falls on a weekend or a holiday.

Before you resort to checking the websites of every state you need to file in for their sales tax due date every month, we’ll let you in on a secret to help you remember. Every state has clear rules governing when their sales tax due date will fall. That makes it simple to predict what day you’ll need to file this month in every tax jurisdiction.

Don’t worry – we’ll demystify sales tax due dates in this post so you won’t miss a single filing date in 2024.

The Sales Tax Due Dates Secret

Just because sales taxes are due on the 20th of the month last month in one state doesn’t necessarily mean that’s when you’ll have to file this month. While that might seem confusing, the secret to sales tax filing dates is actually pretty simple.

Every state has sales tax due dates that either remain the same every month no matter what or move to the next business day if they fall on a holiday or weekend. An easy way to remember this is as ‘Always’ sales tax due dates and ‘If It Falls On a Normal Weekday’ sales tax due dates.

‘Always’ Sales Tax Due Dates

  • These sales tax filing dates are always the same date of the month. It doesn’t matter if that day falls on Christmas or Sunday – you better file your sales tax before opening gifts or sitting down to brunch.
  • For example, Maine is a state with an ‘Always’ Sales Tax Due Date of the 15th of the month.

‘If it Falls On a Normal Weekday’ Sales Tax Due Dates

  • These are sales tax filing dates that are only on the day of the month specified if it’s a normal workday. If they fall on a Saturday or the 4th of July, guess what? You’ve gotten an extension for filing your sales taxes. Your sales taxes are due on the next normal business day.
  • For example, Arizona’s sales tax due date is the 20th of the month or the next business day.

When is Sales Tax Due?

Sales taxes are due on different days depending on the state. Below we’ve broken down the rules for when sales taxes are due in each state every month of 2024.

To make it easier, we’ll organize our list by the filing dates and then specify which states always use that sales tax filing date and which states only use that sales tax filing date if it falls on a weekday.

What Are Streamlined Sales Tax States?

In the tables below, we also note if a state is a Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) state – but you might be wondering what that means. Under the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement, a number of states and local governments came together to create a more simplified and uniform sales and use tax collection system for online retailers. As of 2024, there are 24 full member states.

The goal is to reduce the administrative burdens on sellers to collect and remit sales and use tax. There are also SST Certified Service Providers who can provide STT software free-of-charge or at a discounted rate that supports businesses in calculating, collecting, and filing sales tax. TaxCloud is one of those certified providers and can help you in STT states free-of-charge.

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: 15th of the Month

Only one state has a sales tax filing date on the 15th. Unfortunately, you won’t get a reprieve if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday as Maine is a state that keeps their sales tax filing date the same no matter the date it falls on.

Always 15th of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Maine Sales tax due dates in Maine No

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: 20th of the Month

The majority of states have a sales tax due date on the 20th of the month. Of these states, they split pretty equally between those that always have sales tax due on the 20th and those which move around depending on what day the 20th falls on.

Always 20th of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Alabama Sales tax due dates in Alabama No
Colorado Sales tax due dates in Colorado No
District of Columbia Sales tax due dates in District of Columbia No
Florida Sales tax due dates in Florida No
Hawaii Sales tax due dates in Hawaii No
Illinois Sales tax due dates in Illinois No
Kentucky Sales tax due dates in Kentucky Yes
Louisiana Sales tax due dates in Louisiana No
Maryland Sales tax due dates in Maryland No
Michigan Sales tax due dates in Michigan Yes
Mississippi Sales tax due dates in Mississippi No
New York Sales tax due dates in New York No
North Carolina Sales tax due dates in North Carolina Yes
Virginia Sales tax due dates in Virginia No
Wisconsin Sales tax due dates in Wisconsin Yes

 On the 20th or the next business day

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Arizona Sales tax due dates in Arizona No
Arkansas Sales tax due dates in Arkansas Yes
Georgia Sales tax due dates in Georgia Yes
Idaho Sales tax due dates in Idaho No
Indiana Sales tax due dates in Indiana Yes
Minnesota Sales tax due dates in Minnesota Yes
Nebraska Sales tax due dates in Nebraska Yes
New Jersey Sales tax due dates in New Jersey Yes
Oklahoma Sales tax due dates in Oklahoma Yes
Pennsylvania Sales tax due dates in Pennsylvania No
Puerto Rico Sales tax due dates in Puerto Rico No
Rhode Island Sales tax due dates in Rhode Island Yes
South Carolina Sales tax due dates in South Carolina No
South Dakota Sales tax due dates in South Dakota Yes
Tennessee Sales tax due dates in Tennessee Associate member
Texas Sales tax due dates in Texas No
West Virginia Sales tax due dates in West Virginia Yes

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: 23rd of the month

Like Maine, Ohio likes to do things differently by making sales tax due on a date no other states have deadlines for. The good news is that the fact that Ohio’s sales tax filing due date is always on the 23rd of the month makes it easier to remember.

Always 23rd of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Ohio Sales tax due dates in Ohio Yes

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: 25th of the month

Filing sales taxes in New Mexico in December means that your sales tax due date is on Christmas. But states like Kansas and Washington will give you the gift of a reprieve over the holidays.

Always 25th of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
New Mexico Sales tax due dates in New Mexico No

On the 25th of the month or the next business day

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Kansas Sales tax due dates in Kansas Yes
Washington Sales tax due dates in Washington Yes

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: 30th of the month

While there are a number of sales tax due dates that fall on the final day of the month, Massachusetts’ sales tax filing date only sometimes falls on the last day of the month by being every 30th of the month.

Always 30th of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Massachusetts Sales tax due dates in Massachusetts No

Sales Tax Due Dates 2024: Last day of the month

With sales tax due dates that fall on the last day of the month, the exact date of the sales tax due date will change depending on how many days there are in the month. For those that extend the filing date to the next due date, that means that the sales tax due date moves to the first business day of the next month.

Always the last day of the month

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
California Sales tax due dates in California No
Iowa Sales tax due dates in Iowa Yes
North Dakota Sales tax due dates in North Dakota Yes
Wyoming Sales tax due dates in Wyoming Yes

Last day of the month or the next business day

State State website Streamlined Sales Tax State
Alaska Sales tax due dates in Alaska No
Connecticut Sales tax due dates in Connecticut No
Utah Sales tax due dates in Utah Yes
Missouri Sales tax due dates in Missouri No
Nevada Sales tax due dates in Nevada Yes

Don’t Miss Any Sales Tax Due Dates in 2024!

Still feel like sales tax due dates are confusing? If you want to stop worrying about sales tax due dates in 2024, TaxCloud can help.

We can handle sales tax filing for you. That means you can stop checking state websites, keeping lists, adding the dates to your calendar, and worrying. We take care of everything.

Interested? Get in touch to find out more!