Idaho Taxpayers Grocery Credit
Get a grocery credit refund even if you don’t earn enough to file taxes!
BOISE, IDAHO – Feb. 4, 2020 – Idahoans who don’t make enough money to file an income tax return can get back some of the sales tax they pay on groceries – in the form of a refund.
The refund is $100 for most Idaho residents, plus $100 for each of their qualifying dependents. Residents 65 or older get $20 more.
You can claim the refund if you’re 65 or older by using the Idaho State Tax Commission’s Form 24, Idaho Grocery Credit Refund. If you’re under 65, use Form 40, Idaho Individual Income Tax Return. Follow the instructions on page 7 of the income tax booklet.
If you’re required to file a tax return, you can claim a credit against your income tax bill for a portion of the sales tax you pay on groceries. The tax credit on groceries is for the same amount as the grocery credit refund. You can use Form 40, Idaho Individual Income Tax Return, to claim the credit.
You must have lived in Idaho throughout 2019 to be eligible for the refund. Qualifying dependents include those born or adopted by the end of 2019, as well as resident dependents who died in 2018. The amount you qualify for is prorated to exclude any months you received federal food stamps, were in jail, or were in the United States illegally.
Last year more than 76,000 residents who weren’t required to file a tax return received a refund for the sales tax they paid on groceries during 2018.
For more information, visit the Tax Commission’s website at tax.idaho.gov. Click on “Get a grocery credit refund” in the “Quick Picks” section.
You also can get help by calling the Tax Commission at (208) 334-7660 in the Boise area or toll free at (800) 972-7660.
Press Contact
Patrick Riley
Vice President, Business Development
+1 203-803-2048
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